Describe a place where you can read and write (not your home)
You should say:
Where it is
How often you go there
Who you go there with
And explain how you feel about this place
22.读书写字的地方(安静的公园,可以让我感受到内心的平和,能更快进入学习状态。本题素 材与Part2“去过的公园”串联。)
Speaking of a place I love to be when I want to read and write, the first place that comes to mind is a park within walking distance of my school. I go there from time to time139, especially when I have to buckle down140 and prepare for exams.
The park is a lot bigger than normal parks and it’s surrounded by small hills. Most people go there for hiking. There are lots of beautiful pavilions and walkways141 built on the mountain that are surrounded by green plants. You definitely feel at peace142 when you study there. And many of the buildings are built in only three colors: black, white, and grey, which gives the whole park a solemn atmosphere.
I really enjoy being there. Actually it’s the place to be when my friends and I need a quiet place to prepare for exams. We love studying in the pavilion halfway up the hill143. I can always get into my most productive state quickly144 there and be able to focus on my work for hours.
It’s said that it’s the place to go for a ton of artists when they want to get some inspiration. I do believe it’s true, because you feel so at ease145 when you’re surrounded by the beautiful nature there. It’s a good place to escape from the hustle and bustle of the city. I hope there can be more parks like this one so people have more peaceful places to study or just wind down.
139 from time to time:有时候,时常
140 buckle down:倾尽全力
141 walkways:长廊,走廊,通道
142 feel at peace:感到内心平和安静
143 halfway up the hill:半山腰处
144 get into my most productive state quickly:很快进入高效(学习)的状态
145 feel so at ease:感到很放松自在