2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 2 Topic 44 想见的外国名人 Describe a famous person (not in your country) that you would like to meet in person

Describe a famous person (not in your country) that you would like to meet in person.
You should say:
Who the person is;
What the person does;
How you got to know about him or her;
Why you want to meet the person.

44.想见的外国名人(想要见自己的偶像,英国歌手、创作者Ed Sheeran,黄老板。他看上去相貌平平,但是却很有才,是一位很有实力的歌手。本题素材与Part2“喜欢的歌手/乐队”串联)

I’m dying to meet292 one of my idols Ed Sheeran. He’s a famous singer and songwriter in the UK.

I discovered him about five years ago when his song, “Photograph” went viral on the internet293. The song is all about understanding and exploring the concept of love, especially the love he feels for his family. It’s quite an emotional song294 and often reminds me of the ones I love when I listen to it. I became obsessed with the song because of its appealing melody and its touching lyrics.

It was after hearing “Photograph” that I began to familiarize myself with Ed Sheeran and his songs. What is most interesting about Ed is that he isn’t really known for anything but his songs. In fact, he’s far from handsome. He looks a little chubby and has ginger hair295. If you don’t know him, you might think he’s just an ordinary guy and wouldn’t peg him as a musician.

Despite his regular looks, his works are outstanding. He’s extremely creative and has written tons of beautiful songs. I consider myself a loyal fan of his because of his talents. I really hope I can meet him in person one day. I would ask him to take a selfie with me297, and brag298 about that for the rest of my life. I also have a few questions to ask him, like where he gets inspiration for his songs. I’m curious about his motivations when it comes to song writing.

292 I’m dying to meet:超级想要见…
293 went viral on the internet:在网上蹿红
294 an emotional song:很动人的歌曲
295 ginger hair:姜黄色的头发
296 peg him as:把…看做
297 take a selfie with me:和我一起自拍
298 brag:吹嘘,吹牛
