2019年9月-12月雅思口语 Part 1 话题库
2019年9月-12月雅思口语 Part 2 话题库
- Topic 1 室内游戏 Describe a time that you enjoyed an indoor game
- Topic 2 喜欢和家人做的休闲活动 Describe a leisure activity you like to do with your family
- Topic 3 很累但要保持清醒 Describe a time you were tired but you had to stay awake
- Topic 4 难忘的特别的一天 Describe a special day that you remember well
- Topic 5 使用网络解决问题的经历 Describe a time that you solved a problem with the internet
- Topic 6 学会的实用技能 Describe a practical skill you learned
- Topic 7 获得不准确信息的经历 Describe an occasion when you had some incorrect information
- Topic 8 早起的经历 Describe a time you got up extremely early
- Topic 9 邀请家人或朋友吃晚餐 Describe an occasion that you invited your family or your friends for dinner
- Topic 10 拜访朋友 Describe an experience that you visited a friend
- Topic 11 庆祝成就 Describe a situation when you celebrated your achievement
- Topic 12 愉快的一天 Describe a special day that made you happy
- Topic 13 色彩丰富的地方 Describe a place you visited that was full of colors
- Topic 14 喜欢的天空 Describe a time you watched the sky
- Topic 15 花费长时间准备的礼物 Describe a gift for someone that took you a long time to prepare
- Topic 16 花费长时间选择的礼物 Describe a gift that you took a long time to choose
- Topic 17 家中喜欢的一幅画/照片 Describe your favorite picture/photo which is in your home
- Topic 18 景点纪念品 Describe something special you brought home from a holiday
- Topic 19 历史建筑 Describe a historical building you have been to and you want to visit it again
- Topic 20 想去拜访的新公共场所 Describe a new public building you would like to visit
- Topic 21 去过的公园/花园 Describe a park/garden you like visiting
- Topic 22 读书写字的地方 Describe a place where you can read and write
- Topic 23 一次不同寻常的旅行 Describe an unusual experience of traveling
- Topic 24 和朋友相处的快乐时光 Describe an experience where you went out with your friends and had a good time
- Topic 25 想拥有的一日假期 Describe what you would do if you were given a day off
- Topic 26 交通工具坏掉的经历 Describe an occasion when the vehicle you took broke down on your trip
- Topic 27 突然改变计划的经历 Describe a time you changed a plan suddenly
- Topic 28 与他人在一起无聊的经历 Describe an experience that you got bored when you were with others
- Topic 29 电视综艺节目 Describe a game show or a quiz show you watched on TV or online
- Topic 30 让你笑的小孩 Describe something a child did that made you laugh
- Topic 31 想获得的奖 Describe a prize you would like to win
- Topic 32 公共场所陌生人打电话 Describe a time you heard someone you didn9t know talking on the phone in a public place
- Topic 33 鼓励和帮助你实现目标的人 Describe a person who encouraged and helped you to achieve a goal
- Topic 34 给他人建议 Describe a time you gave advice to others
- Topic 35 空闲时间乐于帮助他人的人 Describe a person who often helps others in their spare time
- Topic 36 擅长某个工作的人 Describe a person who is good at his or her job
- Topic 37 经常坐飞机的人 Describe a person who always travels by plane
- Topic 38 有着有趣想法的人 Describe someone you know who has interesting ideas or opinions
- Topic 39 有趣的谈话 Describe an interesting conversation you had with someone (or a stranger)
- Topic 40 初见某人 Describe a time when you first met someone
- Topic 41 东西失而复得 Describe a time you found something you lost
- Topic 42 借东西 Describe a time you borrowed something useful from others
- Topic 43 喜欢的歌手或乐队 Describe a band or a singer that you like
- Topic 44 想见的外国名人 Describe a famous person (not in your country) that you would like to meet in person
- Topic 45 理想的房子 Describe an ideal home (house or apartment) that you would like to live in
- Topic 46 印象深刻的广告 Describe an advertisement you remember well
- Topic 47 常穿的衣服(女生版) Describe a piece of clothing that you often wear
- Topic 48 常穿的衣服(男生版)Describe a piece of clothing that you often wear
- Topic 49 想做的水上运动 Describe a water sport that you would like to try in the future
- Topic 50 擅长外语的人 Describe a person who learned a foreign language well
- Topic 51 家乡特产 Describe something which is produced in your hometown/region
- Topic 52 儿时学校 Describe a school that you went to when you were a child
- Topic 53 儿时玩具 Describe a toy that you received when you were a child
- Topic 54 想要与人分享/谈论的电影 Describe a film you would like to share/talk with your friends
- Topic 55 撒谎 Describe a time you didn’t tell your friend the truth
- Topic 56 选工作或专业的建议 Describe an advice you receiver on choosing your major or work
2019年9月-12月雅思口语 Part 3 话题库