2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 1 Topic 17 Outdoor

1. Where did you play when you were a child?

When I was younger,I liked playing outdoors. There was a forest practically within spitting distance of191 my neighborhood that I would explore with a couple friends. It wasn’t very big, so it was safe for us to check out on our own. I loved being in nature; it really set me at ease192.

2. Did you prefer outdoor play or indoor play when you were young?

I definitely preferred outdoor play. As a kid, I couldn’t get enough of193 the outdoors. It was so great to breathe in fresh air and run around outside. I would always get really fidgety194 if I had to stay inside. I loved being surrounded by nature. It just made me feel at ease.

3. Do you prefer to be indoors or outdoors?

I think I prefer being indoors. As a kid, it was the total opposite195. But nowadays, I like being inside better.
The weather can be really unpredictable when you’re outside. For example, I was working on an important project outside. But then it started raining. It was totally a bummer196 because I lost all my work.

4. Is it important for children to play outdoors?

Yes, it’s pretty important for kids to play outside. If they just stay indoors all the time, they might spend too much time on their cellphones and video games. You know, a lot of kids nowadays are glued to197 their screens. They barely get any fresh air. But when kids go outside, they’re usually more active and they can get more exercise. Games that involve running and jumping can definitely benefit them physically.

5. Did you often go over to your friends” houses when you were young?

Yeah, I definitely went over to my friends’ houses a lot when I was little. I lived practically within spitting distance of my best friend in particular, so she and I killed lots of time together. We played a lot of video games in her bedroom. We had a total blast with each other.

191 practically within spitting distance of:距离非常近
192 set me at ease:让我感到很放松
193 couldn’t get enough of:怎么做都不会觉得够
194 fidgety:烦躁不安
195 it was the total opposite:
196 totally a bummer:很杯具(悲剧),很扫兴
197 are glued to:沉迷于,粘在…上
