1. Do you like reading? ?
Yes, I love reading! It can always set my mind at ease. If I’m feeling stressed out I just pick up a good
book and get lost in the story207. I think that more people should read; it can really help you blow off steam208. There’s nothing more calming to me209.
2. What kind of books do you read?
I like reading historical fiction210. It might sound boring, but the past is really fascinating. So reading stories about it is definitely my cup of tea. It’s very cool to see how different authors can tell the same part of history in different ways. Plus, it’s very educational, but fun as well.
3. Do you read electronic books?
Well, I only read electronic books from time to time211. I don’t really make a habit of212 it, because I like paper books way more. I just like holding something physical213 in my hands. But e-books are very convenient, especially if you’re going on vacation. It’s such a pain to have to carry physical books around.
4. What kind of books do you like to read, an E-book or a real book?
I definitely like reading real books more. It’s nice to be able to turn the pages and hold something physical in your hands. E-books are nice for travelling, since physical books can be a pain to lug around214, but I definitely like physical books more. There’s something irreplaceable215 about paper copies216.
5. Do you think reading is for fun or for work?
Well, I believe that reading should just be for fun. You don’t have to read a book because you think it’ll teach you something. You just read books to be entertained. It shouldn’t feel like a chore217; you should be able to blow off steam by reading a book. So I don’t think it should be work at all.
207 get lost in the story:沉浸在故事中
208 blow off steam:释放压力,放松心情
209 nothing more calming to me:(对我来说)没有什么能比这个更让我心静平和下来
210 historical fiction:历史小说
211 from time to time :有时候
212 make a habit of:养成…的习惯
213 something physical:现实中的东西,实体的东西
214 lug around:拖着到处走
215 irreplaceable:不可替代的
216 paper copies:纸质书
217 feel like a chore:像是个苦差事