1. What do street markets often sell?
I think that street markets often sell cheaper products. It doesn’t automatically mean257 they,re lower-quality though. For example, you can get fresh fruits and vegetables on the cheap258. But there are also knockoffs of designer brands259 when it comes to stuff like purses and wallets.
2. Are there many street markets in China?
Yes, there are tons of street markets in China. Actually almost every Chinese city has at least one street market. Lots of them are even famous attractions for tourists. Taking my hometown as an example, it has several massive260 street markets where you can find thousands of different snacks and items.
3. What are the differences between street markets and supermarkets?
Well, supermarkets have a wider variety of261 products, but street markets are a bit limited in comparison, although they have cheaper stuff. This is because most street vendors262 have to be more selective about what they sell. In contrast, supermarkets belong to big companies, so they can afford to have tons of different items.
4. Do you prefer going to a street market or a shopping mall?
I like going to shopping malls better. Street markets are really cool and have a unique atmosphere263, but I usually trust whatever I get from shopping malls more. They’re just more likely to be checked for quality. Even if things cost me extra264 at a mall, I think it’s worth it.
5. Why do some people prefer street markets to supermarkets?
I guess some people prefer street markets to supermarkets because there are more unique products in street markets. For example,you might find stuff that’s handmade or vintage265 in a street market. Plus, there’s just a cool atmosphere with street markets. There are usually lots of interesting things to look at. In contrast, supermarkets are kind of boring.
6. Would you like to visit street markets when you go to a foreign country? What would you like to buy?
Yeah,I’d love to visit street markets if I go to a foreign country. It’s a really good way of exploring another culture266. Plus,there are so many interesting things to see and buy in a street market. You can find lots of souvenirs to take home and keep as memories of the trip267.
257 doesn’t automatically mean:并不意味着
258 on the cheap:便宜地
259 knockoffs of designer brands:名牌仿冒品,山寨货
260 massive:大的,大型的
261 a wider variety of:种类很多的
262 street vendors:小摊贩
263 have a unique atmosphere:有其特有的氛围
264 cost me extra:花的钱多一些
265 vintage:老式的,复古的
266 exploring another culture:探索、了 解另一种文化
267 keep as memories of the trip:把它当做旅行的回忆