1. How many hours do you sleep usually?
I usually sleep for about eight hours. Sometimes I can get tied up with my studies311 so I hit the hay312
pretty late, but I try to go to bed at a decent time313 so I won’t be tired the next day. It’s good to have a routine, and even better to have a good sleep schedule314.
2. How much sleep do you wish to have every day?
In a perfect world315, I’d love to have nine or even ten hours of sleep every day. I think having a good rest can do wonders for316 your mental and physical health. But since I’ m usually pretty busy with school, I don’t always have enough time to sleep in317 and get that many hours in.
3. How have your sleeping habits changed since you were young? / Do you sleep more than you did when you were younger?
Well, when I was a kid, I didn’t have that many responsibilities, especially during summer vacation, so I could sleep in for as long as I wanted to. Of course, my parents didn’t want me to sleep the whole day away318, but I definitely got more rest than I do now.
4. Is enough/sufficient sleep important?
Yes, I think it’s really important to get enough sleep. As I mentioned, it does wonders for your mental and physical health and makes sure you can do your best during the day. Personally, if I don’t get enough
sleep, I’m a total buzzkill319 to the people around me because I’m so tired. So you definitely need to get
lots of rest.
5. Do you take naps at noon?
No, I actually don,t take naps at noon. Whenever I take a nap, I wake up really confused320. Sometimes I wind up even more tired than I was before321. I like being productive during that time of day, so I don’t think sleeping is a good way for me to spend the afternoon.
6. Do you like to read before bed?
Yeah, I definitely like reading before bed. If it’s a book that I’m really enjoying, it can set my mind at ease322 and help me get a better rest. Plus, I read that323 it’s best to not look at screens for at least half an hour before you go to bed. So I often read a few pages of a book in bed. That way324, I can fall asleep a lot quicker.
311 get tied up with my studies:忙于学习
312 hit the hay:上床睡觉
313 go to bed at a decent time:到点儿就睡,合适的时间睡觉
314 sleep schedule:作息时间表
315 In a perfect world:如我所愿最完美的设想
316 do wonders for:对…有益
317 sleep in:赖床
318 sleep the whole day away:睡一整天,把一天睡过去
319 a total buzzkill:(我身边的人会觉得)我很丧,很毁心情
320 wake up really confused:醒来后都是晕乎乎的,糊里糊涂不清醒的状态
321 wind up even more tired than I was before:最终比之前不睡还要累
322 set my mind at ease:头脑放松
323 I read that:我以前从其他地方读到过…;当需要提到你从其他地方了解到的某个信息时,可以用这个表达,更简洁直接。
324 That way:那样的话,那样做的话