1. Do you like sharing? Did you have anything to share with others recently?
I like sharing,at least when it comes to books that I’ve enjoyed. For example,I recently read a historical novel that I really loved. I couldn’t put it down423; I basically went through it one sitting424. So I shared it with my friend and it turned out that425 she really liked it as well.
2. What do you like to share with your friends?
I love sharing books and movies with my friends,especially the novels and movie franchises426 that I like. For example,I have all seven of the Harry Potter books. I’ve lent them many times to my friends. I like sharing those things with friends not only because it’s a bonding process,but also because that way we have more to talk about together.
3. Is there anything you don9t want to share with others? Why? /What kind of things are not suitable for sharing?
I don’t really like sharing any hygiene products427 with other people. You know,stuff like toothbrushes and razors428 aren’t really great to share with others. You can end up sharing all kinds of germs429 and get other people sick in the process. So I think you should keep those things to yourself.
4. Did your parents teach you to share when you were a child?
Yes,my parents taught me to share when I was little. They always told me that sharing was a way of being polite to other people. So they taught me to share toys with the other kids and to make sure I was always being generous. I think sharing is one of the most important lessons you can learn.
5. How do you think about bike sharing?
Well,it’s actually a pretty new system for our society,which just took off430 in the past couple of years. Of course,it provides a ton of benefits to urban people. Most importantly,it has solved the ‘last mile’ problem for transportation431. Now I can ride a sharing bike somewhere within a couple kilometers and it’s really dirt-cheap432.
423 I couldn’t put it down:爱不释手
424 went through it one sitting: 一口气读完
425 it turned out that:结果
426 movie franchises:系列电影
427 hygiene products:卫生用品
428 razors:剃须刀
429 germs:细菌
430 took off: became popular,流行起来
431 the ‘last mile’ problem for transportation:解决“最后一公里”的出行难题
432 dirt-cheap:非常便宜