Describe a person who often helps others in their spare time.
You should say:
Who this person is;
How often this person helps others;
Why this person helps others;
And explain how you feel about this person
35.空闲时间乐于帮助他人的人(我在兼职工作中认识的团队老大Usa,是一个很乐于帮助他人解决问 题的人。如果公司有新员工加入,她会专门抽出一天休息日,主动帮助新员工解决遇到的问题。本题素 材与Part2“给他人建议”等题有串联)
Off the top of my head, the first person that comes to mind is my co-worker Lisa. I know her because of a part-time job I had during last summer vacation, where my job responsibility was mainly selling portable power banks. Lisa was our team leader and whenever we needed a hand235, she was always there.
I worked there for a whole summer holiday, so we worked together for two months. If memory serves correctly, Lisa was off on every Wednesday and Friday. But when a new employee joined us, she always took an off day to help them. She would talk with the new employees proactively236 and kindly took the time to teach them some sales tricks. When someone attended to their first customer, Lisa would assist them with closing their first deal237.
Actually, when I worked there, I often saw Lisa helping other teammates during her break time. She always helped us think outside of the box and encouraged us to have the nerve to break the routine.
As for why Lisa is so helpful to others, well… I think it’s mainly because of her kind and warm personality. She loves reaching out to238 coworkers and literally has a natural charisma that makes people trust her. Besides, she also believes that being a salesperson is a tough job, so she wants to help others as much as possible. She really made the team have better chemistry and improve. I was so happy I could have such an accountable and helpful colleague.
235 needed a hand:需要帮助的时候
236 proactively:主动地
237 close their first deal:完成第一笔交易
238 reaching out to:伸出手(帮助他人)