2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 3 Topic 6 学会的实用技能

1. What is the most important practical skill in modern society?

I suppose that being able to use a computer is the most important practical skill in modern society. Everyone should know how to use a computer, whether it5s for work, study, or just entertainment. Nowadays, everyone is focused on the digital world because the internet has connected most aspects of our life and work. And almost all the occupations in modern society need people to have a certain level of computer literacy83. So it’s definitely the most practical skill I can think of.

2. What kinds of jobs require practical skills?

Well, jobs that involve hands-on work84 definitely require practical skills. If you’re a technician or maintenance worker85, you have to know how to handle all kinds of equipment without breaking it. There are lots of skills you have to learn in order to work safely. It might not seem like an obvious choice, but86 athletes also need to have practical skills. For example, a professional basketball player has to learn different basketball techniques. #

3. Which method is better for learning practical skills, learning from teachers or learning from the internet?

Well, it’s definitely better to learn practical skills from teachers. The internet can be helpful because it has such a wide range of information. But when it comes down to it87, teachers are there in real life, and they can show you how to do things in real time. Plus, you can usually trust their expertise, whereas there’ s a lot of false information going around on the internet.

4. What kinds of skills are difficult to learn?

I think any skills that involve computer programing are hard to learn. Learning programming and related computer skills often require you to have good logical thinking as well as strong math skills, which are hard for most people. And it would take you a lot of time to do the proper training. Plus, skills where you have to have good physical coordination88, like sports, are hard to master if you aren’t built for it89.

5. Do you think practical skills will be replaced by computers?

Well, some of them already have, especially skills related to repetitive work, like bookkeeping90 and manufacturing. But I don’t think all practical skills can be replaced by computers. For example, you need a human touch to make different kinds of art, like knitting or sculpting. Any kind of skill that involves being creative is pretty hard to replace. So I don’t think people with those kinds of skills should be worried at all.

83 have a certain level of computer literacy:具备一定的计算机知识
84 hands-on work:实际动手操作的工作 ,、
85 a technician or maintenance worker:技师或者维修工
86 Itmightnotseemlikeanobviouschoice, but…:有一个观点可能不是很显而易见的,但是我觉得(后面是你可以提到的任何 想说的观点,提出的观点往往是不那么显而易见的)
87 when it comes down to it:归根结底
88 have good physical coordination:好的身体协调能力
89 if you aren’t built for it:意为如果你没有天分
90 bookkeeping:记账
