1. What are the advantages and disadvantages of making a career plan for young people?
Well, one advantage I can think of is that it prepares them for the future. Making a career plan teaches young people how to be responsible and pursue their dreams. It gives them a goal and encourages them to achieve it. But on the flip side, making a career plan might just stress them out. Not everything in life goes according to plan267 Young people might feel pressured to follow that plan even if their goals change.
2. Should parents help children make plans?
Yes, it would be good for parents to help children make plans. After all, children don’t really know what they’re doing when it comes to those kinds of things. They need their parents’ experience and advice to make good plans. Otherwise, they might just waste time or not get anything done. Granted268, parents shouldn’t try to control every aspect of their kids’ lives. It might make their children resent269.
3. When it comes to making a study plan, who can make better plans for children, teachers or parents?
I suppose that teachers can probably make better study plans for children. After all, their job is literally all about education. Studying is a big part of that, so it makes more sense to270 ask for teachers,help. They’ve been trained for that kind of thing. Parents can still offer some good advice, but I think teachers have more expertise271. So I would trust teachers more when it comes to making study plans.
4. Is it good or bad to have a plan?
It’s really good to have a plan, as long as you don’t worry too much about it. You know, it’s really helpful to be organized and know what you’re doing. Otherwise you might end up wasting your time and messing up. But you don’t want to be so focused on a plan that you freak out if not everything goes the way you expect it to272. After all, life doesn’t always go according to plan.
5. What are the main reasons that make people change their mind?
Well, it depends on the situation. Sometimes, I think that people change their mind when they receive advice. For example, if someone wants to move out, but a friend they trust tells them it would be a bad idea, then that person will probably change their mind about it. But sometimes, they change their mind because the circumstances change. Those are usually outside of people’s control273.
6. What would you do if you need to convince someone to change their mind or plan?
I would try to be as logical as possible. It’s important to know and stick to facts, not feelings, especially when you’re trying to make someone change their mind. I know a lot of people who are as stubborn as an ox274, so it can be a real challenge to get them to listen to reason275. But reason is the best tool to use when it comes to changing people’s minds.
7. How would you tell your friends when you must change your plan?
The important thing is to give them plenty of notice, if possible. The last thing you want to do is ditch them at the last second276 if you’ve made plans together. When it comes to changes in plan, you need to be open and honest about the reasons why you’re changing your plan and what’s going to happen because of this decision.
8. Does technology, like cellphone and the internet, make people change their mind or plan easier than before?
Yes, I believe technology definitely helps people change their mind or plan things easier than before. For one, technology like cell phones and the internet help people keep track of all their plans by creating calendars and schedules. So when it comes to changing plans, they can easily switch things around according to what works the best for them. Staying organized is easier than ever.
9. Who often change their plans, young people or old people?
Um …I guess young people are more likely to change their plans. They tend to be more spontaneous277, so they can switch their plans at the drop of a hat278. But when it comes to old people, they’re generally stricter about planning things. They don’t like switching things up at the last second. Instead, they like having everything set in stone279.
267 Not everything in life goes according to plan:生活中并非每件事都能按计划进行
268 Granted:当然,的确
269 resent:怨恨
270 it makes more sense to:做…是更合理的
271 have more expertise:具备更专业的知识
272 goes the way you expect it to:按照你所期待的方向走
273 outside of people ’ s control:无法左右,不受控制的
274 as stubborn as an ox:犟的跟牛一样
275 listen to reason:听进去道理、说服
276 ditch them at the last second:形容说好的事情结果临到时间又取消了计划
277 spontaneous:率真、随性
278 at the drop of a hat:立刻、马上
279 set in stone:固定不变