2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 3 Topic 29 电视综艺节目

1. What is the difference between the games children play now and those that children played in the past?

I suppose that in the past, children played games outdoors. They were very physically active290. For example, they5d play simple games like catch or hide-and-seek291. If they had to stay inside, they would play board games. But nowadays, children are all crazy about digital games. They love playing video games with each other, or just playing mindless games on different apps. They definitely don5t run around the way they used to.

2. Do people nowadays like watching TV with their family?

Yes, I think a lot of people like watching TV with their family nowadays. It can be a great bonding experience292 to watch a show together. For example, my family always watches a talent show together. We all get invested in293 the contestants, and sometimes we even place bets294 to see which one will win. It’s really fun, and it gets us to spend some quality time together. It’s a total blast.

3. How long do people usually watch TV shows?

Well, it depends on the person, but in general, I guess people spend about a couple hours watching TV shows. You know, a lot of shows nowadays can be as long as an hour to begin with. But some sitcoms are short, so it’s easy to watch a few of them in a row. When you’re all tired out from work295, it’s so nice to just kick back and relax and let the TV distract you.

4. What kinds of TV shows do people like to watch?

As far as I know, people like watching funny and entertaining TV shows. There are plenty of serious, educational programs on the air296, but when you want to wind down at the end of the day, it,s more fun to watch a sitcom. You know, those shows are always good for taking your mind off things297. They just let you laugh at someone else,s problems. Variety shows are fun to watch too, especially if they have talented people on them.

5. Why do some people watch TV shows online?

I think people watch TV shows online for convenience. Sometimes it,s just easier to watch something on your phone or laptop instead of investing in a TV. Plus, since so many shows are streaming online, it can be cheaper than subscribing to TV the normal way. Personally, I love watching TV online. It takes less effort than changing channels with a remote. Everything is at my fingertips298. Plus, there are tons of shows that are exclusively299 online to watch.

290 physically active:精力充沛,很活跃
291 catch or hide-and-seek:抓人游戏或者捉迷藏
292 a great bonding experience:可以让彼此关系更亲密
293 get invested in:花时间和精力…
294 place bets:在选手身上下赌注
295 tired out from work:工作(或者学习)把人累跨296 on the air:(电视或广播上)播出
297 taking your mind off things:转移注意力
298 Everything is at my fingertips: —切都在我的掌握中(自由控制)
299 exclusively:唯一地(只在网上播)
