1. How can you avoid losing things?
I think a sure-fire way391 to avoid losing things is to keep them organized. If you have a specific place for each item, and you always return it there after you use it, you,re not likely to misplace them392. Of course, that,s much easier said than done. It,s hard to keep track of everything you own. But the valuable stuff should definitely be kept in order. Otherwise you might be out a lot of money393.
2. What do people usually do when they lose things?
I suppose that people usually retrace their steps394 when they lose things. For example, if they misplace their keys, they might look for them by checking all the places they were before. It,s a good idea to work backwards395 to find something. Lots of people I know have found things that way. Sometimes you can also check places like the local lost-and-found. That,s usually a great resource for lost objects, at least in my experience.
3. Why do some people not care about losing items?
I guess some people just aren’t attached to396 material things. They don,t care about losing something if they can replace it. For example, if it,s a keychain or something small like that, it,s not such a big deal if they lose it. And even if they can,t replace the item, they might be fine with that because their belongings aren’t that important to them. Usually those types of people are rich enough to replace anything they lose. I think that,s definitely a huge privilege that not everybody has.
4. What kinds of things do people usually find?
Well, lots of people are forgetful these days, so it5s pretty common to find small objects like sunglasses and keys lying around. Those things can easily fall out of people’s pockets. Sometimes people even lose their phones, which is pretty unfortunate. I remember just the other day397 my friend and I found
someone’s wallet on a bench at a shopping mall. We didn’t have time to contact the owner myself so we gave it to the lost and found of the shopping mall.
5. What would normal people do when they find something doesn’t belong to them?
I think the normal response is to398 bring the item to the lost and found. Normally, people don’t take things they find for themselves. After all, it’s rude to take something that doesn’t belong to you. So it seems to me that the proper protocol399 is bringing the item somewhere it can be found by its owner. Another good idea is to give it to the authorities, but usually that’s just if it’s a big-ticket item400 like a laptop.
391 a sure-fire way:可靠、靠谱的方式
392 misplace them:放错地方
393 might be out a lot of money:可能会损失掉很多钱
394 retracetheirsteps:原路返回,返回到之前去过的地方(找丢失的东西)
395 work backwards:倒推,追溯过往
396 aren’t attached to:不依附于…不在乎…
397 just the other day:几天前
398the normal response is to :正常的反应是…
399 protocol :礼节
400 a big-ticket item:昂贵、高价的东西