2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 3 Topic 46 印象深刻的广告

1. Why do some people hate advertisements?

I suppose that some people hate advertisements because they can be very loud and annoying. For example, it5s really loud and obnoxious440 when you’re watching a video online that’s suddenly interrupted by a gum commercial441. It actually puts you in a bad mood because it wastes your time. Personally, I think there are way too many advertisements out there. They’re such a pain to sit through442.

2. Is background music useful in advertising?

Well, it depends on the type of advertisement. If it’s a serious advertisement, then some background music can help set the tone443 and make people pay attention. The same thing goes for funny advertisements. Sometimes you can use music to get people interested in what they’re seeing. But if the background music is too loud or doesn’t coordinate with the theme444, it can be very distracting.

3. What is the main form of advertising in your country?

The main form of advertising in my country is definitely online advertising. You know, there are tons of ads on every website I visit. After a while, you actually start to ignore them. Sometimes, I don’t even notice there are ads until somebody points them out. Still, it can be really annoying when you’re trying to access a website and an ad pops up445. It,s very distracting. It’s just a pain to deal with in general.
4. What are the differences between advertisements on the internet and on TV?

I think advertisements on the internet are usually focused more on visuals, whereas446 ads on TV usually use visuals and sound. There are definitely some ads that have sound on the internet, but since people get annoyed with those a lot quicker and they can skip the ads or close the window with ads easily447, a lot of companies just focus on having an eye-catching design and slogan448. But on TV, you can include a lot more sound. You can focus on dialogue and stuff like that.

5. Do people usually buy stuff after watching an advertisement?

Well, advertisements don’t always work on everyone. But I suppose that a lot of people can be easily influenced by an advertisement. It appeals to your needs and desires449, and sometimes hooks your emotions to shop impulsively450. So I would say that at least some of the time, people buy stuff after watching an advertisement. For example, my uncle bought a new blender because he saw an ad for it online. It turned out that the blender actually worked just like the ad said it would. So that worked out well for him.

6. Are advertisements targeting children good? Are they necessary?

I don’t think it’s good to have advertisements targeting children. Children barely know what they want. They’re very easily influenced. So I don’t think companies should take advantage of that451. If children are swayed by advertisements452, they might grow up to be very greedy. They’ll just want everything they see in ads and commercials. Plus, they might end up asking their parents for stuff that’s bad for them. So that kind of advertising isn’t necessary.

440 obnoxious:讨厌的,不愉快的
441 a gum commercial: 口香糖广告
442 such a pain to sit through:要耐着性子看完真的是很痛苦
443 set the tone:定下基调
444 coordinate with the theme:和主题不搭
445 an ad pops up: —个广告弹出来了
446 whereas:但是
447 skip the ads or close the window with ads easily:跳过广告,或者直接关掉窗口
448 having an eye-catching design and slogan:有新引入眼球的视觉设计和广告语
449 appeals to your needs and desires:刚好符合你的需求和欲望
450 hooks your emotions to shop impulsively:勾起你冲动购物的情绪
451 take advantage of that:利角这i点
452 are swayed by advertisements:受广告影口向
