雅思听力必备基础知识 #5 常用缩写形式

在听录音记信息的过程中使用一些缩写形式,可以加快记笔记的速度。考生 可以创造一些适合自己的缩写形式,以提高自己快速记信息的能力。如:

equal:= introduction: intro
with: w/ information: info
without: w/o department: dept.
number: # advantage: adv.
therefore: \ organization: org.
and: + maximum: max.
and so forth: etc. individual: ind.
for example: e.g. compare: cf.
against: vs. association: assoc.
government: gov’t. politics: pol.



The days of the week:
Sunday—Sun. Thursday—Thur.
Monday—Mon. Friday—Fri.
Tuesday—Tues., Tue. Saturday—Sat.
The months of the year:
January—-Jan. July—Jul.
February—Feb. August—Aug.
March—Mar. September—Sep.
April——Apr. October—Oct.
May——May November—Nov.
June——Jun. December—Dec.
