


Section 1





表格填空是IELTS听力考试中经常出现的一种题型。它可以出现在IELTS听 力四个部分的任何一个部分中,主要检查考生捕捉信息的准确性。考生看到这种 题型时,在听之前,首先要认真阅读表格中的信息和问题。通过阅读了解:

(1) 将要听的主题是什么?

(2) 你对这个题目了解多少?

(3 )从表格中你得到了哪些信息?

在听之前要做到心中有数。(1 )第一部分的主题很明确,是雅思考试申请表。 (2)关于考试申请表,我们了解一般都需要填写名字、地址、考试时间、个人的 电话号码及联系方式。(3)申请表中已提供了部分地址和人的名字,需要填写: 姓、国籍、母语、学习英语的时间、电话号码、出生日期及准备考试的时间等。

在录音开始播放后,考生要紧跟所听的内容。当听到要填写的信息时,例如人 名、电话号码、地名、时间等,要快速默默跟读,也就是重复所听到的信息,帮助自 己快速记下信息。重复是帮助记忆的有效方法之一。在捕捉信息时,有关数字的信 息如电话号码、时间等可用阿拉伯数字记录,月份、专业名称等尽量用一些通用缩写 形式记录,这样可加快记录速度。在最后誊写答案时有时间再把缩写改为全拼。

地图标记是在IELTS听力考试中经常出现的一种题型,同样是要检查考生捕捉 信息的准确性。考生看到这种题型时,首先要认真阅读地图标记中已提供的信息, 如街道和建筑的名称、它们所在的方位。第9和第10题是地图标记题,要求根据地 图找出学校书店和邮局的位置。首先找到考试中心的位置,听到在它的斜对面有个

银行,即使diagonally opposite (斜对面的)没听懂,也可根据已有的信息银行的位置,找到学校书店和邮局的位置(next to the bank,opposite the post office )。

Section 2





单项选择题和多项选择题是IELTS听力考试常见的题型。它可以出现在听力 四个部分的任何一个部分中。主要是检查考生捕捉信息的能力和听力理解力。选 择题是考生熟悉的题型,但是对于多项选择题考生应注意,因为答案不只一个。

考生看到这种题型时,首先要认真阅读每个问题及选项。通过阅读了解将要 听的内容及要回答的问题。读每个问题时可在关键词下画横线或做记号,以便记 住重点。

第14〜15和第17〜18题是多项选择题,要求根据问题选择出两个答案。考生 看到这种题型时,认真阅读问题后,要仔细阅读每一个选项,在听时要注意检查 是否提及所给的选项。

Section 3





完成句子是IELTS听力考试常用的一种题型。它常常出现在第三和第四部分 中。主要是检查考生捕捉信息的能力和对文章整体的理解力。考生看到这种题型 时,首先要认真、快速地阅读每个句子,通过阅读了解将要听到的内容。对于要填 的词或短语,可根据前后词或句猜测要填的可能是什么词。例如:第21和22题 中根据复数形式的“分钟”(minutes)和“问题”(questions)可猜出要填写的是多 少分钟长,考试有多少题,这说明要填写的是数词,因此在听时要特别注意听数词。23 题:You’d better use the you hear to answer the questions.(你最好用你所听到的 回答问题。)24题:You can write your answers on .(把你的问题写在_地方。)这两个题根据句子结构我们推断要填写的应是H。通过听前对要填的词或短语的预测,对每个句子有个大概的了解,在听的过 程中有目的地寻找和核对预测的信息,这样能够提高填词的准确性。

Section 4





笔记填空也是IELTS听力考试中常出现的一种题型。它一般出现在第三和第 四部分中。主要是检查考生捕捉信息的能力和准确性。笔记顺序一般按照讲座的 顺序,考生需要跟上讲座的节奏并把握住笔记的主体框架。在做这种题时,考生 要认真地读一遍笔记内容,主要是记住空周围的词和句子。这样一旦信息出现就 容易抓住。另外要注意记题不能只盯一道题,要一次看两到三道题。这样能有效 避免因没捕捉到一个题点而错过几道题的情况发生。


You will hear a number of different recordings and you will have to answer questions on what you hear. There will be time for you to read the instructions and questions, and you will have a chance to check your work. All the recordings will be played once only. The test is in four sections. Write all your answers on the listening question booklet. At the end of the real test you will be given 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

听力文本Section 1

You will hear a conversation between a student and the interviewer. Look at questions 1-8. As you listen, complete the application form. And then look at questions 9-10 and label the locations by writing the appropriate letter next to the place. First, you will have half a minute to look at questions 1-10.

Now listen to the conversation and fill in the form.
Applicant: Good morning,I’d like to take the IELTS test.

Interviewer: Yes, first I need to ask you some questions so that I can fill in the form. Could I have your name, please? I need your family name first.

Applicant: My family name is Denham. You spell that D-E-N-H-A-M. My first name is John, that’s J-O-H-N.

Interviewer: Any other names?

Applicant: No.

Interviewer: What’s your nationality?

Applicant: French.

Interviewer: So your first language is French?

Applicant: No, actually it’s not! My first language is German.

Interviewer: German, thanks. How long have you studied English?

Applicant: Quite a long time, about 12 years.

Interviewer: What education have you had? Have you finished high school?

Applicant: Yes, of course. Actually, I’ve completed a Bachelor’s degree in computing. Interviewer: I see. Whafs your address?

Applicant: My home address or my present address? You know, now I live in the International Language School.

Interviewer: Your present address will do.

Applicant: Room 15, Building 2, the EF International Language School, London.

Interviewer: Room 15, Building 2. The EF International Language School, London. All right, I know the place. It’s not far from here, is it?

Applicant: No. It’s a ten-minute walk.

Interviewer: OK. What’s your telephone number?

Applicant: 7825341.

Interviewer: 7825341. Right, could you tell me your date of birth, please?

Applicant: 25 April, 1989.

Interviewer: OK. When would you like to take the IELTS test?

Applicant: Is there a test available in May?

Interviewer: Yes, May 4, 15 and 30 are all test days. You have to nominate two.

Applicant: Then I’d like to do it on the 4th: and if that can’t be done, make it the 15th.

Interviewer: OK, on the 4th of May or the 15th. Ifs done.

Applicant: Thank you very much.

Interviewer: You are welcome. By the way, do you know there is a book sale in the University Bookstore?

Applicant: Oh, I didn’t know that. When does it start?

Interviewer: It started yesterday. I think it will last a week. You can go there and have a look.

There are some IELTS books on sale there, such as Cambridge IELTS One, Cambridge IELTS Two and How to Prepare for IELTS.

Applicant: Today is Tuesday, so the sale will end on Sunday.

Interviewer: Yes, I think so. You’d better go there today to be sure you can get the books you want.
Applicant: That’s a good idea. Where is it? Is it far from here?

Interviewer: No, it5s quite close. OK, let me draw a map for you. You see, we are at the southeast comer of High Street and Green Road. There is a Midland Bank diagonally opposite to our Testing Centre; the University Bookstore is next to the bank, opposite to the post office.

Applicant: I see. It’s next to the bank, opposite to the post office. OK, I will go there right now. Thank you very much.
Interviewer: Good luck!

That is the end of Section 1 • You will now have half a minute to check your answers.

Now turn to Section 2.

听力文本Section 2

You are going to hear a conversation between a candidate and a teacher about the IELTS listening test. As you listen, answer questions 11-20. First you will have half a minute to look at questions 11-20.

Now listen to the first part of the conversation about the IELTS listening test and answer question 11-20.

Candidate: Excuse me. Are you a teacher here?

Teacher: Yeah. What can I do for you?

Candidate: I’m a student in this Testing Training Centre. I’m going to take the IELTS test in six weeks’ time. You know, Fm a bit worried about the listening part. Can I ask you some questions about it?

Teacher: Sure. I’d be glad to help.

Candidate: What is the difference between TOEFL and IELTS listening test?

Teacher: Well, I’d say they are mainly different in three ways: the type of exercise, the content

and the grading.

Candidate: What kinds of questions are there in the listening test? Are there many multiple choice questions?

Teacher: Well, you’ll probably have some multiple choices in there somewhere. But in the IELTS test, theyVe really tried to make a variety of different types of questions to test people. So there might be some questions which have a graphic format. There might be a chart where you have to fill in information. You would have to write in some answers that could be single words, or a doze test^ for example, where you have to fill in the gaps, or it might be filling in a few words. You might have to fill in a form, for example, putting down addresses or times or dates, or information like that. Or you might have to write down short answers to questions, but you never have to write more than three words.

Candidate: I see. They are really different. What about the content of the test? What am I going to hear?

Teacher: Well, again it varies but it tends to be taken from three general areas.

Candidate: What are these three areas?

Teacher: Well, we say that they are survival English, academic English and popular science.

Candidate: What’s survival English?

Teacher: It is usually from survival kind of situations. I mean the type of experience students would have when they arrive in a foreign country, everyday events, such as conversations about asking directions, or shopping in a supermarket.

Candidate: Or looking for accommodation or checking in at a hotel?

Teacher: Yeah, that’s right. Things like that, making an appointment, that kind of thing. This kind of survival situations often appear in the first two sections of the test.

Candidate: Academic English would be the sort of English used at the university?

Teacher: Yeah, that’s right. And in the last two sections of the listening test, which are generally more difficult, the passages or talks are usually taken from the other two kinds of content I mentioned. One is about popular science and the other is using academic English. The popular science could be somebody giving a lecture or a talk on global warming, or environmental problems or on natural disasters, etc., the topics people care about now in the world. The academic kind of situations could be somebody introducing library facilities, or explaining how to get a student card. It could be a group of students having discussions.

Candidate: Would that last section be very difficult to follow?

Teacher: Not really, but you have to be ready for that. In the last two sections, it could be a conversation or a monologue of someone giving a lecture, for example.

Candidate: What’s a monologue?

Teacher: A monologue means just one person talking.

Candidate: I see.

Teacher: But it could also be a dialogue, a couple of people discussing what they^e going to do that evening or something like that. Usually the first section is a dialogue, you know, a conversation between two people, and then you may hear another conversation in Section Three.

Candidate: Okay, and what about the accents? Do they have British accents?

Teacher: No, there could be British accents on it and there could be Australian or American or Canadian. You could have quite a range of accents although they wouldn’t be too strong, but you have to be ready for that. And there’ll be male and female voices on the tape. You can tell whether they are male or female names when you read the questions on the exam paper. If you see there is more than one name in the booklet, you should be ready to distinguish their voices. You will be ready for the different voices.

Candidate: All right. I have got that. I should prepare for the different voices if there are two men or two ladies on the tape. Ifs important to distinguish voices of the same sex, so we can get their ideas to answer the questions.

Teacher: Yes,you are right.

That is the end of Section 2. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.

Now turn to Section 3.

听力文本Section 3

You are going to listen to the last part of the conversation between the candidate and the teacher. As you listen, complete the statements 21-30. First you will have half a minute to look at statements 21-30.

Now listen to the last part of the conversation and complete the statements below. Write no more than three words for each answer.

Candidate: Now I’d like to ask about the length of the test.

Teacher: Okay. The test is usually about 30 minutes long, that’s fairly standard,and it contains around 40 questions.

Candidate: 40 questions. Is that all one continuous conversation?

Teacher: No, no. It’s divided into four sections. Each section is on a different topic and has different voices, and what you hear in each section could be in several parts, I suppose, about a minute or two, or it might be all the same thing, say a conversation that goes on for four or five minutes.

Candidate: I see. Do you always write down exactly what you hear on the tape when you answer the questions?

Teacher: It really depends. If you fill in the table or form, you have to write down the names or places or telephone number. You must write down exactly what you hear in this kind of exercise. They are trying to check the candidates’ understanding of meaning, so you have to listen carefully for the exact words or information. You’d better use the words or expressions you hear to answer the questions.

Candidate: Where can I write the answers? Can I write on the exam paper?

Teacher: Yes, you can. You can write your answers on the paper and then at the end of the test you have to transfer your answers to the answer sheet.

Candidate: Okay, and what about the time in between each section?

Teacher: Well, before each section, usually you’ll have thirty seconds to read over the questions. Then, you’ll listen to the tape and answer the questions as you hear it. You should remember that ifs very important to listen to the instructions first that are given in each section, so you will know what to do when you listen to the tape. Then, listen to the tape. You only listen to it once so you have to listen to it very carefully.

Candidate: Oh, only once?

Teacher: Yeah, only once, and then at the end of each section you will have another 30 seconds t.o check over your answers, and again at the end of the entire test you will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to the answer sheet. At this point please do not relax and think it’s all over. You must be extremely careful in transferring your answers, because if you put your answers on the wrong line by mistake, you will get everything mixed up and waste all your efforts. Please transfer all your answers to the answer sheet first. Then if there is any question you are not sure of, you can go back to check. Don’t spend too much time on one answer.

Candidate: I will remember that. Well, the last thing Fd like to ask is about the grading.

Teacher: All candidates are graded on a band scale of 1 to 9. Generally speaking, a grade of 6 and above in the test is required for university entrance.

Candidate: Could you tell me in more detail about the band scale for listening?

Teacher: All right. Band 9 means that you get full marks. The candidate can handle all general listening operations, as well as those in the particular specialist areas, with the confidence and competence similar to those in the mother tongue. If you can get over 35 of the 40 questions correct, you will get Band 8. It shows that you can handle a full range of listening operations with the confidence and competence which approach those in the mother tongue. If your score is 29 to 34, you may get Band 7. It means that you can handle a wide range of listening operations with good confidence and competence and understand the essential message with only minor mistakes, and only occasional need for repetition.

Candidate: How about Band 6?

Teacher: The score would be 26 to 28. This means your listening ability is quite good. You can handle moderate listening operations with good confidence and competence

but have some problems with higher-level operations. You understand most of the message but there is loss of detail. You need assistance with repetition. Generally speaking, if your score is 26 and over, you are likely to get an acceptable score under examination conditions, but remember that different institutions will find different scores acceptable. Some well-known universities in the UK wouldn’t accept less than Band 7.

Candidate: I see. Fd like to apply for Cambridge University, so I need at least 7.

Teacher: Yes, I think so. If your score is 20 to 25, we recommend that you think about having more practice or lessons before you take IELTS. If your score is below 20, we strongly recommend that you spend a lot of time preparing your English before you take IELTS.

Candidate: Right. Okay, well, thank you very much. I feel more confident now about the listening test.

Teacher: Fm sure you5ll do well. Good luck.

Candidate: Thank you very much.

That is the end of Section 3. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.

Now turn to Section 4.

听力文本Section 4

You are going to hear a talk about some listening strategies for IELTS listening test. As you listen, complete the notes below. First you will have half a minute to look at questions 31-40.

Now listen to the talk and complete the notes below.

Good morning. This morning I’d like to talk about some listening strategies for IELTS listening test. I know most of you will take the test next week. Many students ask me how we deal with this listening test. Today I’ll give you some suggestions. First let’s refresh our memories by summarizing what we talked about before.

As we know, all candidates taking the IELTS test do the same type of listening test, but the version differs according to the test date. The listening test takes about 30 minutes, with 10 minutes allocated for you to transfer your answers from the question booklet to the answer sheet. The test is in four sections. Each section is more difficult than the one before. Sections one and two are about social situations or everyday events such as conversations about accommodation or shopping, or short talks giving practical information for daily living. Sections Three and Four are academic English, or we could say they are course-related situations, the typical situations students face in their course of study, such as discussions with tutors or administrators and short lectures on popular science or hot topics in the world.

There are a variety of possible question types. They are as follows: multiple choice, short answers which require up to three words, sentence completion or completing notes or a table or a summary which requires no more than three words, labeling a diagram or matching. You will be able to familiarize yourself with all of these kinds of questions by practice. Now Fm going to talk about how to deal with them and give you some suggestions that may help you.

Before each section, there will be 30 seconds for you to read the questions so you should take these valuable seconds to read the questions carefully. You can take the first 10 seconds to go over the questions in the whole section, check where you have to write your answer, and in what form, such as a name, a number, a tick or a cross, or a phrase, or circle the correct answer, so you have a good idea about what kind of exercise is involved, and how many questions there are in the section. Then take the last 20 seconds to focus on the first three or four questions and keep them in mind. Remember it’s impossible to leam all the questions by heart, so try to keep at least two questions in mind. Before you listen to the tape, you should predict the content of what you will hear and anticipate the words and phrases you are most likely to hear. After that you should anticipate synonyms and ideas expressed in different words.

While you listen, you should listen carefully to any taped instructions for each section. This is very important so you will know what you are required to do, and focus on more than one question at a time because some information does not come in the same order as the questions presented on the work sheet, so you should get ready to collect the information you need. Do not stop on an answer you do not know. You should accept some new vocabulary, and try to guess the meaning from the sentence or the words around them. If you miss one answer, forget that one and quickly move on to the next one, otherwise you will miss the following answers as the tape goes on. Please listen for the specific information pinpointed in your pre-listening preparation. Don’t worry if you do not understand every word when listening for the overall meaning or gist. Write an answer for every question; marks are not deducted for wrong answers and sometimes your guesses are accurate—your ears hear more than you think.

Be careful! Don’t accept the first answer that seems correct: subsequent information may change it. At the end of each section, you will have another 30 seconds for you to check the questions. You can use these 30 seconds plus the next section’s 30 seconds; all together you will have one minute to read the next section’s questions. At the end of the test, transfer all your answers with care to the listening answer sheet. If there is any answer you have doubt about, you can leave it until all the answers have been transferred. Don’t stop at one answer for too long. I hope this may give you some help. Good luck!

That is the end of Section 4. You will now have half a minute to check your answers.

That is the end of the test. You will have 10 minutes to transfer your answers to an answer sheet.

