雅思口语Part 2 很少使用的物品 Describe an item you bought but do not often use

Describe an item you bought but do not often use.

  • You should say:
  • When you bought it
  • Where you bought it
  • Why you bought it
  • And explain why you didn’t often use it

故事简介:高考结束之后,和爸妈去香港逛街时,在一个印度人运营的店买了一个iphone5,结果回 去发现wifi不好使,店里的老板也拒绝更换,说是全新机子。因为旅行时间紧,压根没有时间向当地 管理局投诉。回家之后居然发现这个机子不仅破,而且还是翻新机,根本不是真的iPhone 5.

IPhone 5 was the item I spent lots of money on but didn’t often use it. The story dated back several years ago. After passing the university entrance exam with the admission offer from a top university,

I was offered a trip to Hong Kong with my parents. While walking around a street market with my parents, I was attracted by the fantastic mobile store, which provided various mobiles, such as the iPhone, Window phone and Samsung, with lower prices.

Hence, I bought an iPhone 5 there, feeling super happy. However, unfortunately, I found that the WiFi setting of the phone kept offline after I went back to my hotel. So I came back to the store and complained about the issue with the boss, Mr. Kan, I told him that I was very disappointed at the phone and requested to replace because WiFi was difficult to be set up.

Unfortunately, Mr. Kan ignored my complaint and claimed that the phone was entirely new and had no problem before. He rejected to replace the phone for me and asked me to fix it on my own. Hence I visited an apple store after the trip. Worse still, the staff there told me that the iPhone 5 I bought was a fake one. And it’s just a refurbished machine. The experience was so horrible that I always remembered it when using the phone. In the end, I tried to use it less.
