雅思口语Part 2 好消息 Describe a piece of good news you heard

Describe a piece of good news you heard (from TV or the internet). You should say:

  • What the news was about
  • When you got this news
  • Where you got this news from
  • And explain why you think it was a good piece of news

故事简介:我曾经在CCTV新闻中,看到了一个很棒的法律,酒驾法,它生效于2011年4月,说酒 驾是违法行为,违者将面临严肃惩罚。我觉得这个法律非常好,因为它帮助减少了事故发生率,让拥 挤的马路变得少风险。

I have heard countless great news from TV and the Internet, such as tax reform and education reform. But here I would like to share a piece of important and great news which I heard from a TV show called CCTV News when I was in high school. I was super excited and thought that the government was doing the right thing.

The news was about the law for drunk driving. It took effect in April 2011, saying that drunk driving is criminal behavior. Anyone caught over the legal alcohol limit when driving get a serious penalty, such as several months of detention, revoking of their driving licenses and fine of 1000 Yuan.

You know, numerous laws in China have ensured social justice and human rights, making China one of the safest countries in the world. I would say the news about the law is excellent. Government reports have shown that lots of people got injured these years. Drink driving is not only harmful to yourself, but it also puts others in danger. It’s important for everyone to observe the law. After the law came into effect, the number of drunk driving cases fell dramatically. Since China’s roads are getting busier, the new drunk driving law was designed to make them a little less dangerous.
