雅思口语Part 2 拾金不昧 Describe something lost by others but found by you

Describe something lost by others but found by you. You should say:

  • Who it belonged to
  • When it was lost
  • How the person lost it
  • And how you felt about it

故事简介:上个月,我在从深圳回来的火车的厕所里,捡到了一个钱包,里面有钱和银行卡。幸运的 是,我还发现了身份证,所以我联系了列车长,我们通过这个信息找到了失主,失主很感激我,因 为他真的很需要身份证去报名CFA考试。我们后来还加了微信,时不时聊天,那是个很好的经历。

Last month, when I was on the train from Shenzhen back to my city, I found a wallet which was on a toilet sink and had some bank cards and cash inside, I was so worried and nervous as I didn’t know how to return the purse, and the owner must be very frustrating when losing so much money.

Luckily, I also found an identity card in the wallet, so I contacted the conductor immediately, and he helped to check where the passenger’ seat was based on the identity. In the end, we found the owner in his seat, who was a 22-year-old handsome man named FEI YANG. He so touched and delighted when receiving it. The identity card was definitely necessary for him as he needed it for the registration for the CFA exam. He told me that he probably forgot to take the wallet when he was out of the toilet on the train, and he would keep it in mind next time.

The experience had made my day, as I was able to help him avoid the loss, and he was very thankful and offered me a nice lunch. In addition, we even connected each other on WeChat, chatting from time to time. I am happy that I was able to make a friend with him thanks to the experience, as we had similar goals, such as studying abroad. It’s fantastic.
