雅思口语Part 2 新建公共设施 Describe a newly built public facility that influences your city

Describe a newly built public facility (such as parks, cinemas, etc) that influences your city. You should say:

  • Where this facility is
  • When it was built
  • What people can do there
  • And what influence this facility has

故事简介:我很喜欢住在我的城市,因为有很多便利的公共措施。上个月,我们城市新开了一个共享 单车停车的设施,我非常开心,因为它方便了附近人们的生活,提升他们的健康。在这个设施建设之 前,他们必须在路边停车,导致很混乱,而且有的甚至挡住了路,导致交通堵塞,现在我们完全不用 担心这个问题。

I enjoy living in my city because there are so many public facilities  that make life more convenient. If you don’t mind, I would like to tell you all about a bike sharing parking lot  that recently opened up in my neck of the woods.

Just last month, the city decided to open up a bike-sharing facility. I am over the moon because the facility is actually located in the parking lot  of the company that I work for . Ever since it was built, I have noticed that life is easier for the people in the area. In fact, it has even helped to boost the health of some people, as they now have easy access to a bicycle and a place to park it.

Before this facility was built, people had to park their bikes on the side of the road. As you can imagine, this was a huge mess. Sometimes, the bikes would even block the road, which caused a lot of traffic jams  .It wasn’t uncommon for a car to damage a bike too, if they weren’t paying enough attention to the road. Now, we don’t have to worry about the damaged property, which makes living a greener lifestyle so much easier.

To cut it short ,I am delighted with the innovation that people in my hometown can get benefits from. It is also a good sign that the local authorities are going the extra mile to make life in the community much easier and more comfortable.
