雅思口语Part 3 聪明的人

1. Do you think smart people tend to be selfish?

I don’t think selfishness has anything to do with intelligence. I believe this trait is something that can be seen in people with low I.Q.s as well as those that range in the gifted margin. Selfishness is more of a personality trait than anything else. However, it might be easier for someone of high intelligence to recognize selfish behavior.

2. Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teacher or parents?

I believe parents play a more important role, in most cases. Parents should be educators as well as nurturers and disciplinarians. A good parent will work through a child’s homework with them, while offering life lessons and supplemental education when a child is home. A teacher, on the other hand, is only supposed to offer an education.

3. Why are some children more intelligent than others?

This is a tough question. Some children are genetically dispositioned to be more intelligent. Some children are offered a wide variety of educational outlets from a young age. Other children have a natural curiosity that pushes them to learn. Then, there are children that lack all of this. So many factors can make or break a child’s intellect.
