1. What are some popular attractions that people like to visit?
I think that a lot of people like to visit museums, because it allows them to experience more when they are vacationing. Museums are filled with lots of information that help a vacation spot become even more remarkable.
2. Why do many people like to travel abroad?
Traveling abroad helps to broaden your horizons. You get to see how other people live, what they eat and how they spend their free time. It is a very eye-opening and, in most cases, fun experience.
3. What do people usually do during long holidays?
Most people that I know prefer to travel when they have a long holiday. However, in most cases, they tend to travel to visit with family instead of traveling to new and exciting destinations.
4. Do you think there will be more ecotourism in the future?
A climate change becomes more of a concrete fact to people, I feel many people will engage in ecotourism in order to do their part. Perhaps, this will even become the ideal way to vacation.