雅思写作观点库:体育运动类论据话题汇总 IELTS Writing Sport

1 雅思写作体育运动类观点论据:运动

1.1 人们不运动的原因

1.1.1 A他们很忙,B没有时间,C不运动




  • physical activity 体育活动
  • job market 工作市场
  • get prepared for all changes 为各种改变做准备
  • work overtime 加班
  • perfor mall tasks 完成各项任务
  • leisure time 空闲时间

People nowadays are busy and do not have time to do physical activity. The job market is intensely competitive, pushing people to study or work hard to get prepared for all changes. Students are always busy with their homework while working parents work overtime to perform all tasks. They do not have leisure time to do exercise.

1.1.2 A城市拥挤,B没有设施,C不运动

解释(A-B):人口激增让城市规划者把大部分的空间都用在了住房开发,给公园、空地和体育中心没有留 下什么空间

解释(B-C):没有设施良好的可供做运动和体育活动的安全场所,人们会依然选在待在家里保持他们的久 坐不动的生活方式

  • sports facilities 运动设施
  • primary cause 主要原因
  • population explosion 人口爆炸
  • housing development住房开发
  • well-equipped设施良好的
  • sedentary lifestyle久坐不动的生活方式

The lack of access to sports facilities is another primary cause of inactivity. Population explosion has driven city planners to use a majority of space in cities for housing development, leaving little room for
parks, open spaces and sports centres. Without the access to safe places well-equipped to support sport
and physical activities, people would stay at home and maintain their sedentary lifestyle

1.1.3 A科技发展,B其他娱乐很多,C他们就不会选择运动

解释(A-B):电脑手机在人们生活中都很常见,人们可能更愿意花时间在玩电脑游戏和看手机视频上 解释(B-C):这些活动占用的时间本来可以用来做对健康有益的活动

inactive lifestyle 懒散的生活方式 be more willing to 更愿意去做 play computer games 玩电脑游 戏 watch videos on the phone 看手机视频 beneficial to health 对健康有益

Technology is another factor contributing to an inactive lifestyle . Computers and phones are more common in people’s lives, and people might be more willing to spend time in playing computer games and watching videos on the phone. These activities can use the leisure time which can otherwise be spent in activities beneficial to health.

1.2 如何鼓励人们去运动

1.2.1 A宣传,B知道运动的好处,C这样人们会更能接受运动

背景:有些人不知道做运动跟他们的生理心理健康有很大的关系 背景:他们也不知道懒散的生活方式会导致什么

解释(A-B):政府可以在网络上放一些视频,告诉大家运动可以减肥,减轻压力和提高自信心举例:即 使一些轻松的运动,像走路,也能让一个人的身体状态变得大大不同


  • increase the awareness 提高意识
  • has a close relationship with 有很大关系
  • sport can combat obesity 运动可以减肥
  • lower stress levels减轻压力
  • boost confidence提高自信心
  • gentel exercise 轻松的运动
  • make a huge difference很大的改变

The first method to encourage people to do sports is to increase the awareness of the advantages of doing sports. Some people do not realise that doing sports has a close relationship with their physical and mental health. Nor do they have a good idea what an inactive lifestyle entails. The government can put some videos online showing sport can combat obesity, lower stress levels and boost confidence. Even gentle exercise like walking every day can make a huge difference to one’s physical condition. This will encourage people to exercise more regularly.

1.2.2 A建设体育设施,B更好地运动,C这样人们会更能接受运动

解释(A-B):如果每个社区都有游泳池,足球场,网球场和其他的体育设施,人们会更有可能每天做运动 解释(A-B):如果他们看见邻居或朋友在公园里慢跑、踢足球,他们也更可能跟着做

  • promote healthy living 促进健康生活
  • swimming pools 游泳池
  • soccor fields 足球场
  • tennis courts网球场
  • jogging inthe park在公园慢跑
  • follow the suit跟着做

Moreover, to promote healthy living, sports facilities need to be well-built and prepared to support them. If swimming pools, soccer fields, tennis courts and all other sports facilities are readily accessible
in every community, people are more likely to make sport part of their daily lives. If they see neighbours and friends jogging in the park and playing soccer, they would possibly follow the suit.

2 雅思写作体育运动类观点论据:运动会

2.1 举办运动会的好处

2.1.1 A体育赛事,B赚钱,C促进经济

解释(A-B):举办活动意味着要增加在基础设施的投入,比如说竞技场,体育中心和交通设施,这也可以 创造就业机会

解释(A-B):旅游业收入也会提高,因为来自各个国家的体育粉丝会聚在一起看比赛 解释(B-C):他们花在旅游上的钱,是众多大小企业的收入来源

  • host an international sports event 举办国际体育活动
  • sports centres 体育中心
  • transport facilities 交 通设施
  • generate employment 创造就业机会
  • increase tourism revenue 提高旅游业收入
  • sports fans 体育粉丝
  • watch games and competitions 看比赛
  • a source of income 收入来源

Countries join the race to host an international sports event since they are confident in the economic benefits. Holding an event normally means increasing the investment in infrastructure, such as arenas, sports centres and transport facilities, which can generate employment. It can also increase tourism
revenue, as sports fans from different countries would gather to watch games and competitions. The
money they spend during their trips is a source of income for numerous businesses, small or large.

2.1.2 A体育赛事,B提升民族自豪感,C有利于社会团结



解释(B-C):他们可能有不同的政治观点或者来自不同的民族,但是体育赛事会让他们忽略这些不同,他 们会团结在一起支持运动员

  • national pride 民族自豪高
  • promote social unity 提高社会团结
  • win the bid 竞标成功
  • economic prowess经济实力雄厚
  • winmedal赢得奖牌
  • politicalviews政治观点

Hosting an international sports event is a source of national pride and can help promote social unity. People are proud of winning the bid to host a significant event, which can show their economic
prowess. Meanwhile, the performance of athletes in those events, especially when winning medals,
boosts citizens’ pride in their motherland. They may have different political views or they may be from
diverse ethnic backgrounds, but a sports event can distract attention from their differences. They stay
united to support athletes.

2.1.3 A体育赛事,B有助于宣传运动,C人们想要去运动

解释(A-B):拿奖牌或者赢得冠军的运动明星会一夜之间变得家喻户晓,成为年轻人的榜样 解释(A-B):那庆祝成功和播放国歌的激动一刻会在媒体上反复播放

解释(B-C):有运动天分的年轻人可能会在将来的某一刻开始他们的运动生涯,因为他们想要成为民族英 雄受到赞扬

解释(B-C):其他人可能不会追求运动职业,但是当他们看见体育训练给一个人的健康和体貌带来的积极 影响,他们也可能对运动产生极大的兴趣

  • the general public 普罗大众
  • a household name 家喻户哓的名字
  • role model 榜样
  • sing national anthems 唱国歌
  • athletically talented 有运动天分
  • start the sport career 开始运动生涯
  • recieve acclaims 受到赞杨
  • national heros 民族英雄
  • develop an intense interest in sport 对运动产生极大的兴趣

A sports event is also a valuable opportunity to promote sports among the general public. Sport stars who win medals and championships can become a household name overnight and the role model for young people. The exciting moments of celebrating their achievements and singing national anthems
are repeated broadcast in the media. Young people who are athletically talented may choose to play
sport and start the sport career at some point in the future, as they intend to receive acclaims as national heroes. Other people may not pursue a career in sport, but they will possibly develop an intense interest in sport as they see the positive impact of physical training on one’s fitness and appearance.

2.1.4 促进和平


promote peace, political conflicts
International events can promote peace as countries would ignore political conflicts during events. 提高国际地位,吸引外国投资,让外国人知道一个国家具备的实力

in the international community, at the international stage, economic prowess, attract  investment

Successfully hosting an event can attract investment as it shows the economic prowess of the host country in the international community.

2.2 举办运动会的弊端

2.2.1 A体育赛事,B公众的钱乱用,C影响民生



解释(A-B):政府会为了提高运动员的成绩而增加训练他们的预算,但是同样数目的钱却没有花在解决公 众的基本需求上,比如医疗

  • a waste of money 浪费钱
  • turn out to be 结果变成
  • white elephants 累養物
  • opening ceremony 开幕式
  • increase the budget 增加预算
  • train sports professionals 训练运动员
  • in an attempt to 尝试
  • address the basic needs of the public 解决公众的基本需求

However, spending more money on international sports events might be a waste of money for the government. The sports complexes built for the event will turn out to be white elephants, once the event ends. Some countries may spend lavishly on the opening ceremony, which is sometimes considered to be unnecessary. The government also increases the budget for training sports professionals in an attempt to boost their performance in events, but it remains yet to be seen whether this amount of money can be spent in addressing the basic needs of the public, such as healthcare.

2.2.2 费用很高,甚至亏损,很多场馆不用

cause a loss, white elephants

Holding events like Olympics can cause a financial loss, and many facilities turn out be white elephants.

2.2.3 安保问题,包括如何管理暴力球迷,还有恐怖袭击

security issues, prevent terrorist attacks

Security issues are also a headache. The government should tighten security to prevent terrorist attacks. 运动员为了好的成绩,使用禁药,过分接受培训,导致受伤 doping, use drugs, banned substances, improve performance

Athletes use drugs and banned substances to improve performance. They train hard but get injured. 运动员的奢华生活会影响年轾人,年轻人甚至模仿运动员不好的行为(譬如说吸毒) extravagant lifestyles, copy behavior

Extravagant lifestyles can set a bad example to young people, who can copy behaviour of athletes.

2.2.4 造成政治问题

political boycotts

Sports events can become platforms for people to show their political views. Political boycotts happen from time to time.
