雅思写作观点库:旅游类论据话题汇总 IELTS Writing Travel

1 雅思写作国际旅游类观点论据:旅游对个人的影响

1.1 旅游的弊端

1.1.1 文化误解



解释2:语言不通,用自己的文化知识去解释自己所看到的一些情况,也有可能产生误解,又不能够问当 地人问题来纠正这种看法。这种错误的观念会影响交流和相处。

develop misconceptions, reinforce stereotypes, take a long vacation, make assumptions, correct misconceptions, language barriers, biased views

One problem of travelling abroad is that tourists may form some misconceptions about another country and a trip can possibly reinforce their stereotypes about the host country. They may not take a long
vacation, and therefore, they tend to make assumptions or judgments based on what they see, and sometimes over-generalise. They have no time to correct misconceptions. Meanwhile, because of language barriers, they tend to interpret the customs and social norms of local communities by their own cultural knowledge. They are not able to communicate with locals to revisit their ideas. Their biased views can affect their communication with people from these countries.

1.1.2 水土不服,疾病



fall ill, acclimatise, contract diseases, poor sanitation, spread of viruses

Some tourists may fall ill during their trips. They are not able to adapt to the local environment/acclimatize. They are also likely to contract diseases in some countries due to poor sanitation and the spread of viruses.

1.1.3 增加生活开支



admission fees, increase the cost of living

If people travel frequently/spend a luxury holiday, it can increase the cost of living. They have to spend money on transportation, accommodation, food, admission fees and buying gifts, which can add the cost of living.

1.2 旅游的好处

1.2.1 增加知识


解释:和当地人交流,参加一些名胜古迹和文化景点,与此同时,阅读书籍等。好处:人会变得开明,知 道不同思維方式和做事方法。

broaden minds, increase knowledge, places of historical interest, ways of thinking

Travelling enables people to broaden their minds and increase knowledge. They can achieve this by talking to locals, including tour guides, by visiting places of historical interest, and by reading books. Therefore, they will become open-minded as they are aware of different ways of thinking and dealing with problems.

1.2.2 放松休闲




go on holiday, way of unwinding, escape the grind/monotony, get close to nature, relieve stress, release negative emotions

Going on holiday is also an effective way of unwinding. People do not need to work, and they also have opportunities escape the grind/monotony of everyday lives. In addition, they can get close to nature and try some exciting activites such as hiking and bungee jumping, which relieve stress and

1.2.3 提升个人能力


解释:让你逃离自己舒适区,做很多之前没做过的事情,譬如说:怎么和陌生人交流,怎么处理突发的事 情,怎么很好的控制旅程的预算。

develop skills , move out of the comfort zone, handle emergencies, make a budget
Another benefit of travelling is that people can acquire some new skills. They will move out of the
comfort zone and do something they never experience before, such as talking to strangers, handling emergencies in an unfamiliar environment and budgeting each trip.

1.2.4 商业机会


解释:人们可以去到不同国家考察,挖掘和发现商业机会,譬如说,当地人卖的一些商品,或者经营的一 些技巧,等等。

explore business opportunities, exposed to some novel ideas, business techniques
People can visit different countries, where they can discover and explore business opportunities. They can be exposed to some novel ideas about selling some products which are not available in the domestic market, and business techniques which can help grow sales. If they apply such ideas to their own work or business, they may make some breakthroughs.

2 雅思写作国际旅游类观点论据:旅游对国家的影响

2.1 旅游的弊端

2.1.1 不利于文化和习俗的保护

解释:当地人改变传统去迎合游客。简化一些仅式去多赚钱,或者增加 一些活动去赚钱,但是这些活动违背了传统的一些观念。解释2:当地人的生活方式会改变。

cater for the needs , values underlying traditions

The expansion of the tourism sector may present a challenge to the preservation of some traditions and
cultures. Locals may change traditions to cater for the needs of tourists, for example, simplifying some
traditional rituals to entertain more visitors, or altering some celebrations to keep the audience interested, but these changes are inconsistent with the values underlying some traditions. Meanwhile,
the lifestyles of local residents may be changed due to the arrival of tourists.

2.1.2 破坏环境




cause damage to the environment, create waste, a source of pollution, fragile ecosystem, overrun by tourists

If the number of tourists increases, it can cause the damage to the environment. The surge in facilities such as hotels and roads can change the local environment remarkably. Tourists can create waste and the emissions of different means of transport are also a source of pollution. Finally, the fragile ecosystem can become more vulnerable, as some attractions are overun by tourists.

2.2 旅游的好处

2.2.1 提升一个国家或者地区的收入

解释:游客会消费,譬如说订酒店,就餐,购物,等等。具体的好处:产生大量就业机会,对于某些经济 一直发展很慢的地区有用。旅游的收入可以投资在各种设施上,可以吸引更多投资。

driver of economic growth , create jobs , sluggish economies, reinvest revenue, attract investment Tourism can become a major driver of economic growth. Tourists’ expenditure on hotels, services of restaurants and shopping can bring cash to local communities and encourage local businesses to hire more people. Employment can spur the development of some sluggish economies. Tourism revenue can be reinvested in different facilities, which can attract even more investment.

2.2.2 有利于文化和习俗的保护



Preserve traditions, a source of revenue, age-old traditions, a sense of cultural identity
The tourism boom may help preserve the traditions and cultural attractions of some communities or
countries. Tourism is a source of revenue, which may draw attention to the value of some age-old
traditions, such as traditional ways of preparing food and making handicrafts. This can reinforce the sense of cultural identity. As some communities attract more visitors than before, some of their traditions will grab attention of conservation groups. They are published by official websites of

high-profile travel agencies and the diaries, blogs and travel books written by wen-travelled persons

2.2.3 有利于保护当地的环境


protect the local environment, generate income, traditional livelihoods, reduce the environmental damage

If the revenue of tourism increases, it can help protect the local environment. As tourism generates income, it can encourage locals to give up traditional livelihoods. If locals stop farming, logging and hunting, it can reduce the damage to the environment.

