雅思考试非常注重考生语言实际运用能力,其口语釆取一对一的面试形式, 而且考官的母语全都是英语。很多中国考生考试成绩不理想,究其原因,主要是 对雅思口语考试了解不够,有的甚至连考试流程都了解不够,更不用说该如何应 对每个部分的考题。
在复习备考雅思口语的过程中,要从各个方面全面了解雅思口语,做到胸有 成竹,才能马到成功。首先要了解的是雅思口语包括哪些部分,每个部分考题有 哪些特点,该如何准备每一部分,考官以什么样的标准来打分,以及该如何拿到 高分。以上这些,在备考之初,都必须全面了解。
1 雅思口语3个Part
雅思口语考试A类与G类完全相同,考试用时一般11-15分钟,由三个部分构成,即雅思口语Part 1、Part 2、Part 3。
雅思口语Part 1,一般由考官提问,话题涉及家乡、家庭、兴趣、专业、学业、工作等基础信息。用时4-5分钟。更多雅思口语Part 1话题。
雅思口语Part 2,一般由考官指定话题卡,考生有1-2分钟时间就话题卡话题做准备,并作3-4分钟的表述。更多雅思口语Part 2话题。
雅思口语Part 3,一般是在Part 2话题上的扩展延伸,考官会提问一系列问题,具体提问的数量则由考生的临场水平决定。更多雅思口语Part 3话题。
2 雅思口语考试流程
2.1 I.D. Check: lntroduction
考官会主动跟考生打招呼并自我介绍,然后用简单问题询问考生身份,目的是要确认身 份,这部分主要只是起热身作用。考官一旦打开录音装置,口语考试就己经开始,考生的所有答案都将给考官留下第一印象或者说会影响到整体印象分。
1. Good moming/aftemoon. My name is . Can you tell me your full name, please?
(Could you tell me your full name, please?/Please tell me your name.)
2. What shall I call you? (What can I call you?AVhat should I call you?)
3. Can you tell me where youJre from? (Could you tell me where you*re from?AVhere are you from?)
4. Can I see your identification, please? (Could I see your identification, please?/May I see your identification, please?)
2.2 Part 1 Introduction and Interview on Familiar Topics
2.2.1 22秒左右的回答时间
检查完ID,考官将介绍第一个话题,并围绕这个话题问几个小问题。一般情况下,第一 个话题是your home (house or hometown)或者是your work / studies。随后考官还会围绕两个话题问一些简单问题。第一部分的考试主要涉及日常生活、学习和工作。一般情况下,每个话题会有4个小问题,也就是说第一部分会有12个小问题。当然并不绝对,问题的多少也取决于考生答案的长短。因为整个第一部分的时间是4〜5分钟。大致估算,如果考官问一个 问题要花2秒钟,那么考生回答每个问题的时间应该在22秒左右。因此,这一部分的制胜 秘诀是尽可能地多说。当然,也不要将背诵好的长篇大论拿出来,否则一旦被看出,考官就 会换题,因为雅思口语考试考核的是考生的口语运用能力,而不是背诵能力。
2.2.2 保持口语的连贯性
在回答这部分问题的时候,考生要保持口语的“惯性”,也就是说要滔滔不绝。与考官的问答对话间不要有太多的沉默,要尽可能多地给考官信息,特别是对yes/no的问题,千万不要用一个词或一个句子回答,一定要有所发挥。学会如何“调侃”非常重要,给考官一个流畅的 感觉同样很重要。而且节奏也十分关键,一定不要慢条斯理,而要有一种紧凑感,问和答之间要快!
2.2.3 学会迂回
考官不会对考生的答案给出任何评价,会用分数来体现。因而考生不要向考官询问他们对你的看法,当然自己也要做到扬长避短。一般情况下,不要暴露自己的词汇不足,不要直接询问某个词汇是什么意思。如果有不太确定的地方要用迂回的方式来询问,比如:“lam not sure, ’匕 do you mean I should tell you…”要比直接问“What does., .mean?”要好得多。要特别提醒考生的是,如果不确定考官的问题,不要装懂,因为如果不懂装懂就会答非所问,这样会对分数有 很大的影响。考生应该用交际策略弄清楚考官的问题,这也是交际能力或者说口语能力的一种1 体现。当然,不确定的问题太多也会影响分数。
2.2.4 要有日常话题的口语基本功
第一部分是考核考生是否能谈论日常生活的所有话题,会有一定广度,考生在准备考试 的时候应该就日常话题和别人用英语交流,实实在在地提高自己的英语口语基本功。在第一 部分结束的时候,考官会提示你将要进行第二部分的考试。
2.3 Part 2 Individual Long Turn
第二部分开始的时候,考官会对你说:“I’m now going to give you a topic and I’d like you to talk about that topic for one to two minutes. Before you start to talk, you^l have one minute to think about what you’re going to say. You can make notes if you wish on this paper. Do you understand?”同时,考官会给你一张卡片,上面有一个题目,如:
- Describe a website you often use. You should say:
- what kind of website it is
- how you find it
- what it is about
- and explain why you like it
2.3.1 关键的1分钟
接过卡片,考生就可以准备考试了。考生有一分钟的时间准备。这一分钟非常重要,考 生要好好利用。要迅速读题,并开始打腹稿,看对于这个话题有哪些方面可以说,该先说什 么、再说什么。这些都需要在考前进行一定的训练。在考试的时候,考官为考生准备了一张 白纸和一只铅笔,考生可以在白纸上写提纲,一分钟后可以看着提纲来说。
2.3.2 恰到好处的2分钟
在一分钟准备时间结束的时候,考官会问你:“Can you start speaking now,please?” (Please start speaking now.)同时会告诉你有1〜2分钟的时间来描述。所以,考生一定要好好把握时间。不 要太仓促结束,否则会因长度不够或者语言样本不够,导致考官无从打分,或者不能给你高分。 当然,也不要作太多的铺垫,考官让你结束的时候你还没有进入正题也是不可以的,所以,恰到 好处非常重要。考生最好让自己的描述成为一个整体,也就是说将原稿写下来,是一篇完整的小 短文最好。
2.3.3 独白要洪亮清晰
在第二部分,考生在说话的时候,考官不会打断你,即便是在没有听见或没有听清的情况 下,所以这一部分又叫独白。考生要确定自己说话的时候声音够洪亮、吐词够清晰。考生说完可 以用“That’s all,thank you.”来告知考官你的陈述结束,或者考官会在时间到的时候让你停止。很多时候,在第二部分结束的时候,考官会根据考生的陈述追问1〜2个小问题。问题 一般不会太难,考生也不必作太长的回答。考官对考生的答案不太清楚或者感兴趣的时候, 才会追问。这同时也暗示考生,第二部分即将结束,要进入第三部分的考试。
2.3.4 话题范围
第二部分的考试话题范围非常广,形式也多种多样,但主要的出题范围是:People,Things, Places, Everyday Activities, Experiences, and Future plans or Speculation about the Future. 一般情况下,这些问题都和考生自己的生活直接相关,所以考生要回答得具体一些,结合自己的 生活体验来回答,不要大而化之、泛泛而谈。
2.3.5 keep speaking 很关键
第二部分考核深度,即考生是否能对一个话题进行有一定深度的发言。难度自然比第一 部分大。这一部分的关键是要keep speaking。1分钟以下的答案会给整体分带来非常大的影 响。所以,在备考的时候要练习长度。很多考生都有30秒的“瓶颈”问题,即对第二部分 话题只能说到30秒左右,之后就要开始“挤牙膏”了,想一句说一句,并且每说一句都要 想下面该说什么,导致流畅不够,从而影响最后得分。
要提醒考生的是:如果考官没有叫停就结束,考生最好用“Well,that’s all I have to say.” 之类的语言提醒考官你已经说完,不要说完就停着,否则考官会认为你是说不下去了。第二部 分的话题不是可选的,也就是说考官给出任何一个卡片,考生都不能要求更换。如果提出要求 更换,考官也不会换,而且考官会知道考生不能对任何话题进行谈论,这样会影响考试分数。
2.4 Part 3 Two-Way Discussion
第二部分结束后,考官会说:“We’ve been talking about (Topic 4) and now I’d like to ask you a few more general questions related to (this topic).”从问法上看,第三部分和第一部分相似,和第二部分的话题相关,但更难、更概括、更抽象、也更有深度。问题也不一定是来自题库,考官 实时根据考生第二部分的描述进行提问,所以这一部分又叫讨论。考官让考生进一步解释说明 考生在第二部分提到的相关问题,或者提出一个与考生不一样的论点,要求考生阐述或答辩等。
如果时间允许,或者考官觉得第二部分的话题己经没有必要再讨论,考官会引出其他与 第二部分相关的话题来和考生进行讨论。第三部分会有大概8到10个问题,当然,问题多少同样取决于考生的答案长度和深度。
2.4.1 常考话题和概念
总体而言,第一、二部分话题主要关注的是考生本人,而第三部分的话题则更多地关注社会、 国家或者政府等更普遍的问题。第三部分常考的话题和概念有:Attitudes and Values,Personal Qualities, Psychology (peopled motives and thoughts)^ Information and Communication, Society, Change (both cause and effect),and Education等。而且,这些问题还会被结合在一起来考。也就是从这些 层面提出更具体的问题。从语言功能上讲,第三部分考官经常让考生:give information, speculate, suggest, compare & contrast, explain, give opinion and reasons,justifying or defending opinion 等。
2.4.2 高分关键
如果考生对第三部分的问题不是很确定,考官会换一种方式再问一遍。但是要提醒的是, 第三部分是讨论,所以考生最好不要只是回答问题,要参与讨论,而且讨论要真实、要激烈, 可以引经据典,也可以提出佐证。总之,要在这一部分充分体现自己的语言功底,以获得良好印象,从而得到高分。
3 雅思口语完整示例
3.1 雅思口语 Part 1
Examiner:Hello, my name is …. Can you tell me your name, please?
Candidate:My name is . . ..
Examiner:Can you show me your ID, please? Thank you.
Examiner:First, I’d like to ask your a few general questions about yourself. Do you live in a house or a flat?
Candidate:I live in a small rented flat.
Examiner:How long have you lived there?
Candidate:Not long. I moved in there two months ago.
Examiner:Can you briefly describe the flat?
Candidate:Well, it’s a sniff, two-bedroom place, but it’s got a nice view of the mountains, and it has a small terrace, which I think is the best thing about ir. I’m sharing it with my brother at the moment, but he’s planning to find a place of his own next year. The rent is a bit high, but it’s not far from where I work, so I don’t spend hours commuting every day.
Examiner:Now let’s talk about shopping. Do you like shopping?
Candidate:I do, but only for certain things, like clothes or gadgets or books. Most things, except food, I buy online nowadays, from the comfort of my home. I hate food shopping, though. I find it really boring having to buy the same things every time l go to the supermarket.
Examiner:Now let’s move on to talk about music. Do you listen to music? What kind of music do you listen to?
Candidate:I listen to music every day. I’ve got a large collection of old LPs I got from my dad. That’s really how I first got interested in music. I listen to all sorts of music. My MP3 player is full of jazz, rock, folk and other sorts of music, but 1 also like to listen to classical music. 1 go out to listen to live music whenever I can. In face, I prefer listening to live rather than recorded music. It’s a totally different experience to listen and watch someone play.
3.2 雅思口语 PART 2
Examiner:Now in this part, you should talk about a topic for one minute. You can take a minute to make some notes before you speak. Here is a pencil and some paper for you, and the topic card. I would like you to describe a film you saw and really liked.
(Candidate makes notes)
Examiner:Now, you have one minute to tally about the topic. I will tell you when to stop.
Candidate:I have lots of favourite films I like, but I think the best film of all time is X. A friend of mine recommended it to me last year. In fact we watched it together at her place, which was great as I don’t like going to the cinema much. It was a film about a boy who was growing up in a small town, about his friends, dreams and problems. I liked it because the plot was quite simple, but it
was very interesting. His best friend was a bird—I thinly it was a hawk or something like that. He found the bird dying in an old barn and nursed it back to health. He got very emotionally attached to the bird, but had to let it go once it recovered. I really liked the photography. There wasn’t much dialogue in the film, but it was never boring. It’s not really the hind of film I would have picked up in a store, and I would never have watched it if my friend hadn’t recommended it to me.
Examiner:Would you like to see the film again?
Candidate:I have it on DVD and actually have seen it a couple of times since then. It really is one of those films worth watching more than once.
3.3 雅思口语 PART 3
Examiner:Now in this part I would like you to ask a few more general questions about the topic you’ve talked about. What kinds of films are popular in your country?
Candidate:Well, I guess like anywhere else, Hollywood blockbusters are what most people see. Independent films are also popular, but not as popular as Hollywood movies. There are very few films made locally, so national films are not that big in this country.
Examiner:Why do you think some people prefer going to the cinema to watching films at home?
Candidate:I personally like watching films at home. I can’t stand it when someone next to me is making a noise eating popcorn, or when a phone goes off in the audience. People who choose to go out and see a movie in a cinema just want a different kind of experience. For them going to see a movie is an event, a change from home. Some people say that the quality of image and sound is much better in the cinema than at home, but I think it matters less now than it used to as many home entertainment systems nowadays can produce just as good a picture and sound.
Examiner:Do you think people will continue going to the cinema in the future?
Candidate:Hmm. . . it’s hard to tell, but I think they will. As I said, for many cinema goers going to movies is a social event. They won’t want to give it up and stay in to watch a movie. But you never know—technology might be developed which will make it possible to bring a true cinema experience to people’s homes.
Examiner:Thank you. That’s the end of the test.
4 雅思口语评分标准