2019年9月-12月雅思口语Part 1 Topic 1 Study&School

1. Do you work or study1?

I’m currently a senior student at Hunan University,and I’m studying computer science at the moment.

2. Which university did you go?

The university I attended is called XXX University, which is a top-level university in China. I’m really proud to be a student there and honestly, I was so close to being rejected2 because I thought my grade for the University Entrance Exam was subpar3 compared to the enrollment requirement of the previous year.

3. Why did you choose your school / university?

Well, when I was a high school student, I heard my university has a really good undergraduate program for Computer Science4, which is really what I’m passionate about and love to study. Besides, my parents also rooted for5 me to go there as they believe four years of study there would be a big help for my future career.

4. Who is more important for you at school, teachers or students? (9-12 月出现的新高频题)

I think the students are more important. I mean, the teachers are obviously playing a key role at school. But who you’re in a class with makes a world of difference6. It’s much easier to be excited about school
if you’re friends with the other students. You should at least be able to get along with them.

5. Who helped you more at school, teachers or students? (9-12 月出现的新高频题)

I think the teachers probably helped me more at school. I really loved hanging out with the other students. But when it came to learning and growing as an individual, the teachers played an important role. They taught me new things about the world and showed me how I could apply them to real life7.

6. What do you do when you are not studying? (9-12 月出现的新高频题)

Whenever I’m not studying, I’m usually surfing the internet or hanging out with friends. It’s nice to take a break by scrolling through social media8 or having lunch with a close friend. It’s a great way for me to blow off some steam. After all, if you’re too stressed out, you won’t study that well.

7. Do you like your school?

Yes, I do like my school. I mean, even though I’m often swamped with all the assignments and exams9, I often have a blast10 studying there. The teachers are all nice and cool. None of them have ever given me a hard time. And most importantly, I have some really awesome friends at school who I hang out with all the time.

8. How many hours do you spend on study every week?

I probably spend about ten or twelve hours studying every week. I have a lot of different classes and they all have different assignments, so they keep me on my toes11. I should probably be studying more, to be honest, but I get distracted pretty easily.

9. Which part of your school do you like?

I really like meeting new people. The classes at school are fun because I’m learning new things, but it’s great to be able to make friends with the other students. Some of my closest friends are people I met in class; we just happened to hit it off12 and now we’re as close as peas in a pod13.

10. How do you improve your study efficiency?

When it comes to studying efficiently, I try to make sure there aren’t any major distractions around me. For example, I turn off my phone and I avoid listening to music. It helps me focus on my study so that I stay on track14 and avoid wasting all my time.

11. Which part of your study do you like the most?

I like writing the most. Even if it’s just writing essays, I think it’s really fun to express my thoughts through the written word15. I’ve always enjoyed those kinds of classes the most I think it’s good practice for the real world, where you have to be able to express yourself clearly.

12. Which part do you hope your school to change? /Which part of your school needs an improvement?

Well, off the top of my head, the most urgent part of my school that needs to be improved is the gym in our campus. I mean, the whole place should be flipped16 because everything in the gym is literally worn out17. The basketball court doesn’t even have a hoop. It’s ridiculous, isn’t it? I really hope our school can do something about it.

1 Study:注意该类话题,都需要按照自身实际做调整,参考答案没有专门根据一种情况写。大家在复习中注意结合个人实际调 整。
2 so close to being rejected:差点就上不了
3 subpar:低于…标准,次于…(美剧《生活大爆炸》11季中的台词)
4 Computer Science :注意科旨根据自己的情况来调整,有疑问联系Penny
5 rooted for somebody:支持某人
6 makes a world of difference:有很大不同
7 apply them to real life:应用到生活实际中
8 scrollingthrough social media:浏览社交媒体,刷手机玩
9 often swamped with all the assignments and exams:忙于学业和考试
10 have a blast:很开心..…
11 keep me on my toes:逼迫我要一直紧张,不能放松
12 hit it off:很合得来 一
13 as close as peas in a pod:形影不离
14 stay on track: —直保持(学习的)状态
15 express my thoughts through the written word:用文字表达我的思想
16 the whole place should be flipped:整个应该翻修重建
17 worn out:破损,破旧
